The Alabama Cornea Care Center, LLC is the first Northern Alabama irregular cornea referral center exclusively dedicated to the corneal health and well-being of patients 7 years old through adulthood. We specialize in caring for patients with poor vision due to LASIK, RK, PRK, ALC, Corneal Transplants, Keratoconus, and injury. We provide concierge care for complex patients needing individualized medical and optical management. We prescribe "medically necessary" contact lenses including advanced customized rigid gas-permeable scleral lenses, multifocal gas-perm, corneal reshaping lenses, and many more specialty lens options.
We are concerned with all aspects of your eye health, but we specifically focus on vision problems caused by imperfections of the cornea - the outer lens of the eye. Our concierge patients are from all over the world and have unique issues. Our goal is to manage these patients holistically, including both the visual and emotional well-being at each stage of progressive corneal illness. We understand vision problems and eye health issues can be confusing, so we will work with you to answer any questions you may have.
The Alabama Cornea Care Center believes in raising awareness about degenerative corneal diseases and promoting healthy eye care habits through our free Keratoconus Connection Conferences. We offer you helpful advice, tools, and tips on keeping your eyes comfortable and healthy. Our conferences feature vibrant, inspiring speakers who share treatment advances for corneal disease patients or personal success strategies for living with corneal problems. Our international conferences are offered online at no cost and are open to everyone, but please join the Keratoconus Connection Group International by visiting us here: https://www.facebook.com/KeratoconusConnectionGroup. Below are some of our satisfied patients.